• October 2024 : Organization of the 1st international workshop, Empower2024, dedicated to whole-person research at the Institut Pascal, Université Paris Saclay.

  • September 2024 : The interns we welcomed this year, Ghada Lemoudda, Hugo Lopez and Saad Kinan, all successfully defended their internship dissertations and obtained their Master 2 and engineering school diplomas.
  • September 2024 : New article by Romain Seban accepted for publication in Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, concerning the validation of the prognostic value, in patients with metastatic breast cancer, of the dissemination biomarker we initially introduced in patients with lymphoma.

  • September 2024 : We are pleased to welcome a new PhD student, Julien Mégrourèche, a Canadian medical physicist, who joins the laboratory for a thesis under the supervision of Ludovic de Marzi, on innovative radiotherapy combining spatial and temporal dose fractionation.
  • July 2024: The DIMADOSE project, for Digital twin for MRI-dose guided adaptive radiotherapy, led by Caroline Lafond of the Centre Eugène Marquis and LTSI in Rennes, and involving LITO, was funded by the ANR, for a 4-year period. 

  • July 2024: The ARAMIS project, Generation of a latent representation of PET images by AI for cancer classification, led by Fanny Orlhac, has been funded by the Cancéropole Ile-de-France as part of the Emergence call for projects.
  • June 2024 : New article, resulting from a collaboration with the Centre Antoine Lacassagne and INRIA in Nice, accepted in Clinical Nuclear Medicine. The article reports the development and validation of a deep learning model for diagnosing Parkinsonian syndromes using FDOPA PET.

  • June 2024 : Defense of Ludovic de Marzi's HDR, entitled "Spatial and temporal optimization of radiotherapy treatments".

  • May 2024 : Submission to HCERES of the application to renew and restructure the LITO lab.

  • May 2024 : Defense of Nicolas Captier's PhD thesis, entitled "Multimodal and integrative analysis of radiological, pathological, and transcriptomic data for the prediction of immunotherapy outcome in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer".

  • May 2024 : New publication by a PhD student, Nicolas Captier, accepted in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, concerning a method for visualizing the regions contributing most to the result produced by a radiomic model.

  • May 2024 : Louis Rebaud defends his PhD thesis entitled "Whole-body / total-body biomarkers in PET imaging".

  • April 2024 : New collaborative article with the Medical University of Vienna, on image harmonization using Generative Adversarial Networks, published in the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

  • April 2024 : HDR defense by Fanny Orlhac, entitled "De l'extraction de biomarqueurs radiomiques au développement de modèles pour la médecine de précision".

  • April 2024 : Organization at the Institut Curie in Paris of a 3-day international course on radiomics and LIFEx, attended by 20 participants from 12 different countries. 

  • March 2024 : Since the start of the year, we have had the pleasure of welcoming new colleagues as part of their Master 2 interships (Ghada Lemoudda and Hugo Lopez), as a research engineer (Charlotte Loisel), or as a doctoral student (Paul Steinmetz). 

  • February 2024 : The Data-Fol project, entitled: "Models for predicting treatment response using integrative analysis of clinical, molecular and imaging data in a large follicular lymphoma cohort", led by Dr Clémentine Sarkozy, is being funded as part of the Inserm Messidore call for projects (1.5 M€).
  • February 2024 : The laboratory participated in the definition and deployment of an interactive tool to determine whether a radiomic or AI model has been designed and evaluated according to the rules of the art, using the methodology described here

  • January 2024 : PhD defense by Fahad Khalid: "Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Genomic Mutation in Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma : Machine Learning Approaches for a Comprehensive Analysis“.
  • Janvier 2024 : Just accepted in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, an article from Narinée Hovhannisyan, describing a study that demonstrates the validity and relevance of new PET biomarkers that reflect, from a single scan, some indication regarding the tumor growth. 

  • December 2023: PhD thesis defense by Jérémie Calais: "Theranostics targeting PSMA: from clinical research to standard of care". 

  • December 2023: Organization of the first LITO Open House for colleagues of the Institut Curie research center and hospital. The aim is to introduce them to our activities.

  • November 2023: PhD thesis defense by Thibault Escobar: "Development of models interpretable by learning approaches from PET, CT and MRI images for the management of cancer patients".

  • November 2023: New publication on lymphoma accepted in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. This publication shows that, beyond their total metabolically active volume, the location of tumor foci is an independent prognostic factor for progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. 

  • October 2023: Organization of an AI challenge to create prognostic models under real-life conditions (large number of candidate biomarkers, around 500, and limited number of patients, around 300) sponsored by the American Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNMMI).

  • October 2023: New publication in Annals of Oncology concerning the prognostic value of metabolically active tumor volume determined from FDG PET images in patients with follicular lymphoma.

  • October 2023: Paul Steinmetz joins LITO as a PhD student working on the AI.DREAM project funded by BPI France and led by GE Healthcare. He will develop generic methods to help characterize the robustness of machine learning algorithms and predict their applicability to new data.

  • October 2023: PhD thesis defense by Arnaud Beddok: "Multimodal Imaging-guided Optimization of Patient Selection and Treatment Plans for Reirradiation of Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer".

  • October 2023 : LITO took an active part in organizing the PET in Lymphoma conference in Menton, to bring nuclear physicians, hematologists and physicists together to discuss the role of PET in the stratification and follow-up of lymphoma patients. 

  • September 2023: Benjamin Nicaise and Mathilde Droguet successfully completed their M2 internships at LITO, contributing to the radiomics of PSMA PET imaging in prostate cancer, and to the evaluation of automatic deep learning segmentation of breast MRI scans in breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
  • August 2023 : The IBSI consortium, in which LITO participates and that is working to harmonize the definition and calculation of radiomic features, has just had the 2nd part of this harmonization effort accepted for publication in Radiology: Whybra P et al, The Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative: Standardized Convolutional Filters for Reproducible Radiomics and Enhanced Clinical Insights. 

  • August 2023 : New article by Romain David Seban accepted for publication in the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging: Seban RD, Arnaud E, Loirat D, Cabel L, Cottu P, Djerroudi L, Hescot A, Loap P, Bonneau C, Bidard FC, Huchet V, Jehanno N, Berenbaum A, Champion L, Buvat I. [18F]FDG PET/CT for predicting triple-negative breast cancer outcomes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with or without pembrolizumab. Romain will present his work during the EANM meeting in Vienna in September. 
  • July 2023: The application to the Institut Pascal to organize an EMPOWER workshop on "Cross-discipline methodological approaches for whole-person research" has been successful. This international workshop, organized by LITO and the Medical University of Vienna, will take place in October 2024.

  • June 2023 : Two patent applications have recently been filed, to regulate the commercial use of two original developments carried out in LITO: the automatic segmentation of PET images by deep learning based on "Maximum Intensity Projections" (work by Kibrom Girum) and an original approach to visualizing the regions responsible for the prediction made by a machine learning algorithm in whole-body PET/CT imaging (work by Nicolas Captier).
  • June 2023 : Participation of 6 LITO members in the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging annual meeting (SNMMI 2023) in Chicago, to present their contributions to 11 original developments.

  • May 2023 : Kibrom Girum has just been awarded the Alavi-Mandell Prize by the American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) for his paper "18F-FDG PET Maximum-Intensity Projections and Artificial Intelligence: A Win-Win Combination to Easily Measure Prognostic Biomarkers in DLBCL Patients", published in 2022 in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9730929
  • May 2023 : The IHU "Institut des Cancers des Femmes" project, led by Anne-Vincent Salomon of the Institut Curie, and in which LITO will actively participate, has been funded as part of the France 2030 plan.

  • May 2023 : New publication accepted in Eur Radiol : Malhaire C, Selhane F, Saint-Martin MJ, Cockenpot V, Akl P, Laas E, Bellesoeur A, Ala-Eddine C, Bereby-Kahane M, Manceau J, Sebbag-Sfez D, Pierga JY, Reyal F, Vincent-Salomon A, Brisse H, Frouin F. Exploring the added value of pretherapeutic MR descriptors in predicting breast cancer pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Find all publications by the lab at https://www.lito-web.fr/fr/publications 
  • April 2023 : Nuclear Medicine and ChatGPT: we tested with a German colleague. Results to be published in the April 2023 issue of J Nucl Med: https://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/early/2023/03/23/jnumed.123.265636.long  

  • March 2023 : The 11 abstracts submitted to the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging meeting (SNMMI in Chicago, June 2023) have all been accepted for oral (4 abstracts) and poster (7 abstracts) presentations. 
  • March 2023 : Many new colleagues recently joined the labo to work on new exciting projects ! Welcome to Trung Kien Bui (PhD student), Mohamed Ourahou (M2), Mathilde Droguet (M2), Benjamin Nicaise (M2) and Adam Diakite (data scientist engineer).

  • February 2023 : A microPET/CT scanner and a shielded hot cell have been installed in the RadeXp platform, to develop a research activity in preclinical molecular imaging. These equipments have been funded by Institut Curie, Ile de France region, and ITMO Cancer. 
  • February 2023 : New publication concerning multimodality MRI imaging of diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas: Multimodal MRI radiomic models to predict genomic mutations in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, Khalid F, Goya-Outi J, Escobar T, Dangouloff-Ros V, Grigis A, Philippe C, Boddaert N, Grill J, Frouin V, Frouin F, Frontiers in Medicine, 2023. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2023.1071447/abstract

  • February 2023 : Participation in a Lancet Haematology publication on molecular imaging of hematological tumors written by an international working group: Nanni C, Kobe C, Baessler B, Baues C, Boellaard R, Borchmann P, Buck A, Buvat I, Chapuy B, Cheson B, Chrzan R, Cottereau AS, Dührsen U, Eikenes L, Hutchings M, Jurczak W, Kraeber-Bodéré F, Kopci E, Luminari S, MacLennan S, Mikhaeel G, Nijland M, Rodriguez-Otero P, Treglia G, Withofs N, Zamagni E, Zinzani PL, Zijlstra JM, Herrmann K, Kunikowska J EANM Focus 4: Consensus on molecular imaging and therapy in haematological tumors. Lancet Haematol, in press, 2023.

  • January 2023 : Submission of 11 abstracts to the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging annual meeting (SNMMI meeting, June 2023, Chicago), presenting our recent works in nuclear medicine, and in particular the work by PhD students and post-doctoral colleagues.
  • December 2022 : We were pleased to learn that we have been awarded the prize for the best paper submitted to the HECKTOR 2022 Challenge (Head and Neck tumor segmentation and outcome prediction in PET-CT). https://hecktor.grand-challenge.org/Prize/ 

  • December 2022 : New publication from the SNMMI AI task force we belong to: Toward Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Ecosystems: Opportunities, Challenges, and Responsibilities in Nuclear Medicine. Saboury B, Bradshaw T, Boellaard R, Buvat I, Dutta J, Hatt M, Jha AK, Li Q, Liu C, McMeekin H, Morris MA, Scott PJH, Siegel E, Sunderland JJ, Wahl RL, Zuehlsdorff S, Rahmim R. J Nucl Med 2022 (in press).
  • November 2022 : New page on the lab website listing the software we make available to the community, corresponding to work already published : https://lito-web.fr/en/software 

  • November 2022 : Marie-Judith Saint-Martin successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Definition of predictive models to assess the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy from breast magnetic resonance images" and supervised and Frédérique Frouin et Fanny Orlhac.
  • October 2022 : We are pleased to welcome 2 new PhD students to the laboratory: Julie Auriac, whose project is entitled "Whole-body radiomic analysis of PET/CT images in oncology", and Juliette Dindart, on the topic "Non-invasive measurement of vocal cord vibrations by a time-motion approach in ultrasound". 

  • October 2022 : A new international ANR project, in collaboration with the Medical University of Vienna (Prof Thomas Beyer), has been funded: Inter-Organ PET: Identifying metabolic networks using inter-organ analysis of whole-body [18F]FDG-PET imaging data. It will start on January 1, 2023.

  • October 2022 : Publication originale dans le Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging du travail du Dr Arnaux Beddok, doctorant au laboratoire, concernant la prédiction d'une seconde récidive et de sa localisation à partir d'images TEP et IRM dans le contexte de patients atteints de cancer ORL bénéficiant d'une ré-irradiation.

  • September 2022 : The LITO team composed of Louis Rebaud, Thibault Escobar, Kibrom Girum, Fahad Khalid, and Irène Buvat won the 2nd task of the HECKTOR 2022 challenge presented at the MICCAI international conference. The team also finished 4th in the 1st task. 
  • September 2022 : We are pleased to welcome Dr. Erwin Woff, from the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, who will spend a 24 months part-time at the LITO. He will work on the development and evaluation of radiomic models in whole body PET/CT.

  • September 2022 : Publication in European Radiology of an original approach for the automatic segmentation of breast tumors from MRI images, as a result of a collaboration between the LITO (Marie-Judith Saint Martin, Frédérique Frouin, Fanny Orlhac, Caroline Malhaire) and the University KU Leuven (Michel Koole, Masoomeh Rahimpour)

  • August 2022: Two new ANR projects funded: The ANR "Jeunes Chercheurs Jeunes Chercheurs" NEMO-PET project, led by Fanny Orlhac, entitled "New prognostic metastatic phenotypes based on the analysis of whole-body PET images using artificial intelligence" and the ANR PRCI project VOCALISE (in collaboration with companies), led by Frédérique Frouin, entitled "Non-invasive longitudinal analysis of vocal cord function based on translaryngeal echography acquisitions and vocal recordings".
  • July 2022: Two new projects funded under the PRT-K call for projects: a federated learning project for the prediction of response to immunotherapy in patients with metastatic lung cancer from FDG PET images, led by Olivier Humbert from Centre Antoine Lacassagne in Nice, and a project concerning the combined analysis of biomarkers and radiological criteria for a better definition of the therapeutic response of primary brain lymphomas, led by Carole Soussain and in which we will be in charge of the radiomic analysis of MRI images. 

  • June 2022: significant participation of the laboratory in the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging meeting in Vancouver, where we presented or were associated with 12 presentations, including 2 invited lectures. Thibault Escobar, PhD student in the lab, was the first place winner of the Young Investigator Award of the Physics, Instrumentation and Data Science Council of the SNMMI for his oral presentation, entitled "Radiomic decision maps reveal patterns discriminating between glioma progression and radiation-induced necrosis in static and dual time [18F]-FDOPA PET" 
  • June 2022: The laboratory participated in the ISPNO congress in Hamburg. 

  • May 2022: 1st article accepted as part of the RHU Cassiopeia project, to be published in Seminars in Cancer Biology: "Fibroblast heterogeneity in solid tumors: from single cell analysis to whole-body imaging" by Peltier A, Seban R, Buvat I, Bidard FC, Mechta-Grigoriou F. 

  • April 2022: The REALIGIST project, targeting the creation of a large multicentre cohort combining real-life clinical data and radiological data from patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours, and which is led by Sarah Watson, in collaboration with the imaging department (Med Nuc and Radiology), LITO and Xavier Paoletti's team (U900), has been funded by Unicancer and the Health Data Hub (200 k€). 

  • April 2022: The paper entitled "Improved 3D Tumour Definition and Quantification of Uptake in Simulated Lung Tumours Using Deep Learning" by Laura Dal Toso, Zacharias Chalampalakis, Irène Buvat, Claude Comtat, Gary Cook, Vicky Goh, Julia A. Schnabel, and Paul K. Marsden, describing work carried out under a secondment to the European HYBRID contract, has been accepted for publication in Physics in Medicine and Biology. 

  • April 2022: This year, we welcome three Master 2 students: Sarah Mezghani, Julie Auriac, and Juliette Dindart, who are working respectively on MRI imaging of retinoblastoma, characterisation of whole body metabolism of cancer patients by FDG PET, and characterisation of lung tumours by MRI.

  • March 2022: Thibault Escobar, PhD student at the laboratory under a CIFRE contract with Dosisoft, has his first article accepted in Medical Physics. Thibault designed an original method for the interpretation of radiomic models using classical features, introducing the notion of radiomic decision maps. 
  • March 2022: We are pleased to welcome Narinée Hovhannisyan in the lab as a research engineer. Narinée will work on the extraction of quantitative and radiomic parameters from PET images, especially in the context of lung cancer.

  • February 2022: How to compensate for the multicentre variability affecting imaging biomarkers to pool biomarkers extracted from data acquired in different conditions?  This month, we publish in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine a didactic article on the ComBat method for harmonising biomarker values, which we have now validated in PET, CT and MRI: https://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/63/2/172 
  • January 2022 : Already 2 new papers accepted this year concerning the discovery of a Clever Hans effect in a brain MRI database widely used for artificial intelligence studies, and the description of the MRI phenotype of a new type of brain tumour characterised by a particular genetic anomaly.

  • January 2022 : Anne-Ségolène Cottereau has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Development and clinical applications of new biomarkers in 18F-FDG PET imaging in lymphoma". Her thesis work has already been published in several papers, expecially the introduction and validation of a new biomarker, Dmax, which has definitive prognostic value in patients with non-small cell B lymphoma: introduction and validation of Dmax, validation of Dmax on a large patient cohort, demonstration of the robustness of Dmax
  • December 2021 : We were pleased to learn that the CASSIOPEIA project, led by Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou and in which LITO plays a major role, has been funded as a RHU project (Hospital-University Research). The project will start in 2022 for a duration of 5 years and concerns the targeting of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAF) to fight against metastases and resistance to treatment in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. The project includes PET imaging of CAFs and the development of a novel theranostic agent targeting a particular subset of CAFs using a molecular radiotherapy approach.

  • Novembre 2021 : After several months of work, the Artificial Intelligence Task Force of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) has released its recommendations for the development of AI algorithms for Nuclear Medicine applications, to which we contributed.

  • Novembre 2021 : LIFEx has now 5000 users ! Thanks to all of them for their interest and feedback, which always help us improve the software. Good news: Ombeline Lamer is currently enhancing the documentation associated with the software, so as to make it even more accessible! 

  • October 2021 (pink!) : 150k€ have been obtained to help launch a PET clinical trial in triple-negative breast cancer patients as part of the Pink Ribbon Avenir award to Irène Buvat.

  • October 2021 : LITO is recruiting PhD students and post-docs on funded projects: short description of the projects here, and do not hesitate to apply!

  • October 2021 : We are happy to welcome Rizlène Banat, a Master 1 student, for a 4-month internship. She will work on prediction models based on radiomic parameters extracted from MRI, T1 and T2 images in the context of lung cancer. 

  • October 2021 : Second edition of the hybrid summer school dedicated to Radiomics and AI in Nuclear Medicine organized with our German and Austrian colleagues. Special thanks to Nicolas Captier, Louis Rebaud and Fanny Orlhac for their masterful management of numerous tutorials!

  • Septembre 2021 : Our 3 Master trainees have brilliantly defended their theses and are therefore freshly graduated. Congratulations to Leila Outemzabet, Lydia Abdemeziem and Thomas Pioger !

  • August 2021 : Many publications got accepted during summer, including a didactic article by Fanny Orlhac on radiomics in PET Clinics, an article describing a deep learning algorithm for the automatic detection of cancer nodes in lung cancer patients by David Wallis in EJNMMI, an article investigating the prognostic value of inflammation biomarkers in lung cancer patients by Romain David Seban in Lung Cancer, an article demonstrating the robustness of a PET prognostic biomarker of dissemination in lymphoma patients published in Cancer, etc. All recent publications can be found on the Publications page. 
  • July 2021 : The ANR Exoglyc project in which Claire Provost participates has been selected for funding by the ANR. It is a project led by Professor Philippe Menasché, HEGP Paris, entitled "Cardiac targeting of intravenously infused extracellular vesicles by glycan engineering". 

  • July 2021 : Sarah Mezghani, a radiologist, has been awarded a grant from the Institut Curie that will allow her to prepare a Master 2 thesis on multimodal analysis of retinoblastoma, based on MRI data, under the supervision of Frédérique Frouin, Hervé Brisse, et François Radvanyi.

  • July 2021 : Stéphanie Jehan-Besson is honored to present her work on the segmentation of infiltrating brainstem gliomas using multimodal MRI imaging at the 5th conference on Geometric Science of Information.

  • June 2021 : LITO is well represented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging meeting, SNMMI 2021 which is held again this year in virtual format, with 3 presentations by Fanny Orlhac, Thibault Escobar and Anne-Ségolène Cottereau, the Hal Anger lecture given by Irène Buvat, and the summary of highlights in data analysis presented by Irène Buvat.

  • June 2021 : 4500 ! 4500 users now rely on LIFEx ! Congratulations to Christophe Nioche for developing such a nice software so that anyone can run radiomics and imaging projects with a user-friendly tool !
  • June 2021 : David Wallis just defended his PhD performed as part of the ITN HYBRID project, with a very international thesis committee. He initiated a long series of PhD defences by all young students that are part of HYBRID. Congratulations David ! 

  • May 2021 : Submission of 3 abstracts to the European Congress of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2021) and of another 3 to the world conference of Radiology (RSNA 2021).
  • April 2021 : we now have the funding needed to buy a high-resolution microTEP-CT, thanks to the support of the Ile-de-France region (SESAME call) and of ITMO Cancer ("Subvention pour l'acquisition d'équipement pour la recherche en cancérologie" call). A huge thank you for their support !

  • April 2021 : PET and CoVid-19 vaccination, a case report by our colleagues in Saint Cloud just published in Diagnostics : https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4418/11/4/676/htm 
  • March 2021 : Many articles already accepted and published since the beginning of this year, in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Cancers, Scientific Reports, etc. Please find the complete list on https://lito-web.fr/fr/

  • March 2021 : Three interns just joined LITO for conducting their Master 2 research projects : Leila Outemzabet, Lydia Abdemeziem et Thomas Pioger. Welcome !
  • February 2021 : We welcome Kibrom Girum, who just joined us as a post-doc to work on the HOLY2020 project, in collaboration with the QIMP team of Thomas Beyer in Vienna and the Department of Nuclear Medicine of San Pau Hospital in Barcelona (Prof Ignasi Carrio). 

  • February 2021 : LITO is happy to welcome a new PhD student, Louis Rebaud, who will develop new radiomic biomarkers for PET images so as to better exploit the potential of the whole-body images. His thesis will be performed in close collaboration with Siemens Healthineers, as a CIFRE contract. 
  • January 2021 : LIFEx now has more than 4000 users. We take this opportunity to thank all users for their feedback and support in the development of the software.
  • January 2021 : LITO is happy to welcome Stéphanie Jehan-Besson, a CNRS researcher with solid applied mathematics background and experience. She benefits from a 1-year mobility to work with us on image segmentation, which is an image processing step involved in may of our applications and projects.

  • December 2020 : LITO is happy to welcome Vesna Cuplov, who has already worked with us on various projects in the past as a post-doc. She will now work on the PANACEE project for 2 years, where the goal is to build and explore a multi-omic atlas for patients with lung cancer.
  • December 2020 : LITO is lucky enough to have contributed to a special issue of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine just published to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Journal, through a participation to the writing of the final article of that issue that discusses the future of nuclear medicine.  

  • December 2020 : We have now validated on a different cohort the biomarker of tumor dissemination that we recently published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. This validation, involving almost 300 patients with diffuse large B cell lymphomas, has just been published in Annals of Oncology.  
  • November 2020 : In MRI, radiomic studies face specific challenges, given the low repeatability of image values in different acquisitions of a given sequence, or when using different coils, and even worse, différent scanners. Marie-Judith Saint Martin conducted careful studies to identify and validate solutions for sound radiomic studies in breast MRI, just published in MAGMA.

  • November 2020 : Christophe Nioche has just been awarded the a href="http://www.unicancer.fr/actualites/roupe/prix-unicancer-l’innovation-–-une-edition-speciale-consacree-l’intelligence-artificielle-et-aux-data">Unic"ncer innovation - 2020 prize in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences category for LIFEx, an integrated software for a reproducible and transparent research in radiomics. This award is a great acknowledgement of the importance of his contribution to the development of accessible and reproducible radiomics, following the recommendations of the Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative
  • October 2020 : 5 presentations by LITO at the European Association of Nuclear Medicine meeting this year, on-line, from the 22nd to the 30th of October. Our presentations report our results and views on radiomics, dynamic PET and promises of total body PET, and detection performance of the Vereos scanner. 

  • October 2020 : We are happy to welcome Nicolas Captier, as a new PhD student in the lab. Nicolas will actually prepare his PhD through a joint venture between U900 Inserm-Institut Curie (Emmanuel Barillot unit) and LITO and will work on the TIPIT project, to analyze and integrate various data types (omics, radiomics, pathology, clinical data) to understand resistance to immunotherapy in lung cancer patients.
  • October 2020 : Anne-Sophie Dirand has just successfully defended her PhD thesis that she has been preparing with us for 3 years, and that is entitled "Methodological developments for the use of radiomic features". Anne-Sophie is now finalizing her training in Saclay to become a medical physicist. To know more about her experience, do not hesitate to look at her informal interview !

  • September 2020 : Fanny Orlhac et al paper validating ComBat in the context of MRI multicenter studies and published in European Radiology is now accessible on line : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32975661/. Let us hope it will become as popular as the similar papers we published in PET and in CT (see news of August 2020).
  • September 2020 : the virtual ESMRMB starts September 30th.  Marie-Judith Saint-Martin and Maxime Lacroix will present lightning talks and e-posters during the meeting.  

  • September 2020 : LIFEx now has more than 3500 users. After a large spread in Europe and Asia, the software is now used in North America by almost 500 users. 

  • September 2020 : We are very happy to have organized, together with our German and Austrian colleagues, the 1st virtual summer school on Radiomics and AI in Nuclear Medicine.  Warm thanks to all participants from all over the world that made these 3 days a great success, thanks to their active participation and their involvement in the discussions and hands-on. 
  • August 2020 : The AI.DReAM project (2020-2025), standing for "Artificial Intelligence for Diagnostic, Review and radiomics Acceleration in Medicine", led by General Electric, Healthcare and for which July 2020 : Seven presentations involving radiomics, AI or digital PET/CT are given by LITO members during the Virtual Edition of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging meeting taking place on the 11-14th July. Great exposure of our research work as more than 8,000 attendees have registered to that unique virtual event!
  • July 2020 : The PRECISION PREDICT project, led by Institut Curie (Thoracic Oncology Department, Data Department, and LITO), is one of the a href="https://www.health-data-hub.fr/post/annonce-des-lauréats-du-2nd-aap-du-helth-data-hub""10 projects that will be funded, among 138 applications, as part of the Health Data Hub call related to the "Improvement of medical diagnosis through the use of Artificial Intelligence".  Together with 8 other Cancer Centers in France, the goal is to create a large database of clinical and radiological imaging (PET/CT and CT scans) data in patients with lung cancer associated with an EGFR mutation and treated with targeted therapy. Using this database, our aim is to better understand the observed variety of response to the treatment among patients, and to try predict, for each individual patient, whether he will benefit or not from the treatment and for how long. 
  • July 2020 : The TIPIT project, that gathers U900 Inserm - Institut Curie - PSL (Head : Emmanuel Barillot), the Thoracic Oncology Department (Head : Nicolas Girard), and LITO, has just been funded for 3 years by Fondation ARC, as part of the SIGNIT call for projects. This project aims at integrating a broad variety of data reflecting different aspects of non small cell lung tumors measured at various scales (molecular, cellular, tissue) so as to obtain a comprehensive view of the tumor profile and of its microenvironment. We will then try to use these profiles to predict the response to immunotherapy with an accuracy that would be sufficient to be clinically useful.  

  • June 2020 : Fanny Orlhac receives the Tracy Lynn Faber Memorial Award, which is given each year by The Physics, Instrumentation and Data Sciences Council (PIDSC) of the American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging to support advancement of women in medical imaging sciences. Fanny is honored for outstanding contributions to Radiomics in PET imaging, including advances in methodological rigor and strengthened biological and clinical relevance.
  • June 2020 : Opening of Avicenne Hospital as a participant to the "Validation and Optimization methods for a quantitative Characterization of motion Abnormalities of the Larynx with Echography" clinical trial (PI C Trésallet, Avicenne, APHP, Scientific in charge: F Frouin, Collaborator Mindray, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03976011). The goal of this trial is to validate Transcutaneous Laryngeal Ultrasonography (TLU) as a good alternative to nasofibroscopy in evaluating vocal fold mobility after endocrine surgery. It is a prospective multicentric study that will blindly compare TLU and nasofibroscopy, the latter being the gold standard.

  • June 2020 : A convolutional neural network enables the automated estimation of the metabolically active tumor volume from FDG PET images and the predictive value of these volumes in terms of progression free survival and overall survival is similar to the volumes estimated by expert Nuclear Medicine physicians. Read these original new results in our latest paper published in Journal of Nuclear Medicine in collaboration with Siemens and several French hospitals.
  • May 2020 : Our LIFEx software now has more than 3000 users. A great thank you to all LIFEx users for their feedback that helps us improve the software !

  • May 2020 : The article published as part of the Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative (IBSI) to describe how radiomic features should be calculated is just out in Radiology. LIFEx provides features that are fully IBSI-compliant as demonstrated in that paper.
  • April 2020 : The PANACEE project (PANomic Atlas for non-small CEll lung cancer managEment) led by Fanny Orlhac and submitted to the Janssen Horizon call regarding the role of Artificial Intelligence in neurology, psychiatry, oncology, infectious diseases and auto-immune disease has been favorably assessed by the Scientific Committee and the Administration Council of Janssen Horizon and will be funded by Janssen Horizon foundation for 3 years. The ultimate goal of that project is to improve the management of patients with lung cancer by integrating multi-omic information.
  • March 2020 : Lockdown in LITO. We have set up a LITO virtual lab using Discord so that LITO lab life can go on based on virtual meetings and virtual exchanges between colleagues. 
  • March 2020 : How to estimate the arterial input fonction that is needed for accurate quantification in rodent PET ? Our solution and associated validation are just in print in the a href="/Mars 2020 : Nous sommes heureux d'avoir pu participer à l'initiative internationale visant à mieux définir les index radiomiques et à diffuser des données tests ermettant de valider l'implémentation des formules de calcul. Ce travail nous a notamment permis de démontrer que LIFEx obéissait aux standards. Il vient d'être publié dans Radiology et devrait faciliter des études radiomiques reproductibles.">European "ournal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 

  • March 2020 : We are happy to have participated to the international IBSI initiative regarding the definition of radiomic features and the validation of their implementation through the distribution of test data. This work also allowed us to demonstrate that our LIFEx software complies with the IBSI standard. Please look at the corresponding publication in Radiology, which should facilitate reproducible radiomics. 

  • February 2020 : It is a great honor for LITO to have the opportunity to contribute to the Inserm transverse programme AGEMED that has just been renewed as AGEMED 2.0, under the leadership of Eric Gilson. LITO's role will be to investigate the potential of PET for detecting and characterizing molecular signals associated with cell and tissue aging. 
  • January 2020 : The work by Maxime Lacroix et al, regarding MR radiomics in lung cancer patients, has just been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Oncology. In this paper, we demonstrate the need for compensating for magnetic field heterogeneities and for normalizing voxel values in MR images to increase the sensitivity of radiomic features.

  • January 2020 : Our paper demonstrating for the first time the prognostic value of a radiomic biomarker characterizing tumor dissemination in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma has just been published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine !

  • December 2019 : Our HOLY2020 project is one of the 6 projects that have been funded as part of the H2020 EraCoSysMed call. This is a 3-year project (2020-2023) dedicated to the development of artificial intelligence models for precision medicine in patients with early Hodgkin Lymphoma using FDG PET. Methodological developments will be performed by LITO in collaboration with the University of Vienna (Prof Alexander Haug) and San Pau hospital in Barcelona (Prof Ignasi Carrio).

  • December 2019 : Our LIFEx software now has more than 2500 users. A great thank you to all LIFEx users for their feedback that helps us improve the software !